SCP is sponsored by the OU.
Geared specifically for your busy 21st century lifestyle
Founded by Rav Elyada Goldvicht, the Semichat Chaver Program (SCP)
is an innovative, fast-paced, interactive halacha learning program.
With material specifically designed to be easily imparted to your family, every shiur includes thought-provoking questions and a dedicated segment on the philosophical meaning behind the topic on hand.
Upon successfully passing a written exam, every member will personally receive Bal-Habatim Semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, and Harav Herschel Schachter.
I don’t know why balei batim think that the Torah belongs only to rabbis. If you learn a little bit of Shulchan Aruch every week you”ll see after a few months how much knowledge you’ve acquired.”
“I’m so happy to hear about the success of SCP,
there’s nothing sweeter than when a yid enjoys his learning.”
“Learning at SCP elevates you spiritually…it will change the atmosphere in your house.”
“From my experience, I can give you one piece of advice: Those who learn in a Chabura and with a goal of finishing a certain topic are far more successful than those who are “just learning”.”