About SCP2020-01-01T20:50:29+00:00

Geared specifically for your busy 21st century lifestyle

Founded by Rav Elyada Goldvicht, the Semichat Chaver Program (SCP)
is an innovative, fast-paced, interactive practical halacha learning program.

With material specifically designed to be easily imparted to your family, every shiur includes thought-provoking questions and a dedicated segment on the philosophical meaning behind the topic on hand.

Upon successfully passing a written exam, every member will personally receive Bal-Habatim Semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, and Harav Herschel Schachter.


What is Semichas Chaver?2019-11-24T08:09:43+00:00

The Semichas Chaver Program is an innovative, fast-paced and interactive halacha l’maysa learning program that has been launched worldwide in partnership with the Orthodox Union.

The weekly shiurim include engaging questions pertaining to day-to-day life as well as a dedicated segment on the taamei ha’mitzvos. The bulk of the chaburah is devoted to learning the relevant maarei m’komos from the psukim until the modern-day poskim, thereby imparting the shalsheles of our mesorah. The core learning is complemented by multimedia presentations that bring the halacha alive.

The program is ongoing, and every six months there is a comprehensive exam followed by a community wide siyum celebrating the participants’ accomplishments in Torah learning. Those that successfully pass the exam are awarded a “Semichas Chaver” certificate of achievement signed by Ha’Gaon Rav Zalman Nechmeia Goldberg, Ha’Gaon Rav Shlomo Amar and Ha’Gaon Rav Hershel Shachter.

The Semichas Chaver Program includes:

  • Hashkafic understanding of the ethical meaning of the halacha
  • Contemporary questions that evoke interactive and dynamic discussion
  • Material that is designed to be imparted to the participant’s families at the Shabbos table
  • In person chaburah creates a strong sense of chevra and comradery
  • Bi-annual siyumim for the participants and their families
  • Semichas Chaver certificate of achievement signed by Gedolei Yisrael
Can I just listen to the recordings online and then take the bechina?2019-11-24T08:09:43+00:00

No! One of the primary goals of the program is to create a chevra of lomdim. There is an interactive element and an energy created by a group learning together. This is not an online program.

Is this real semicha?2019-11-24T08:09:42+00:00

No. This is a program geared toward educated lay people who want to be able to answer the most common Halachic questions that come up in the course of daily life. Paskening more challenging and involved halachic questions requires years of full-time learning. You cannot use this to officiate at weddings or receive parsonage.

Where did the curriculum come from?2019-11-24T08:09:43+00:00

The entire program was created by Rav Elyada Goldwicht. He developed the curriculum, arranged for the rabbinic backing of the program, and recruited our shul along with a growing number of American shuls, to launch the Semichas Chaver Program in America. Rav Elyada has been running it for over a year in Yerushalayim and Beit Shemesh, where he has seen the number of participants double, and people really take to the learning in a serious way.

How long does the program run until completion?2019-11-24T08:09:43+00:00

The program is ongoing, and every six months (or so) there is a comprehensive exam followed by a community-wide siyum celebrating the participants’ accomplishments in Torah learning. Those that successfully pass the exam are awarded a “Semichas Chaver” certificate of achievement signed by Ha’Gaon Rav Zalman Nechmeia Goldberg, Ha’Gaon Rav Shlomo Amar and Ha’Gaon Rav Hershel Shachter.

Do I need a chavrusa?2019-11-24T08:09:42+00:00

No; there will be no time during the shiur itself for chavrusa learning.

Of course, it would be a great idea to get together with a chavrusa at some other time during the week to review the previous week’s material.

Many chuburahs have active Whatsapp groups where participants can discuss what they are learning, ask questions and share.

Why are there tests?2019-11-24T08:09:43+00:00

The purpose of the tests is threefold:

  1. To add a sense of responsibility and seriousness to our learning.
  2. To encourage thorough review of the material.
  3. There is nothing like the feeling of having mastered a section of Torah, and having your knowledge put to the test.
Do I have to take the bechina if I come to the shiurim?2019-11-24T08:09:42+00:00

No, but you will probably want to. There is nothing like the feeling of having mastered a section of Torah, and having your knowledge put to the test.

Will I be able to keep up if it’s been a while since I have been learning seriously?2019-11-24T08:09:42+00:00

Yes, provided that you are willing to take it seriously. Every topic will be covered from the ground up and assumes no prior knowledge. This program is geared to intelligent people who want to grow in their learning.

I already have Semicha, is there what to gain in joining SCP?2019-11-24T08:09:42+00:00

Yes! The chabura will be an amazing chazara for you and you will learn the very practical modern-day questions that are often not learned in semicha.

Do I need to bring anything to the shiur?2019-11-24T08:09:43+00:00

Source sheets will be provided, but anyone who has Shulchan Aruch/Mishna Berurah should bring the appropriate volume.

Will the shiurim be recorded? How do I make up a missed shiur?2019-11-24T08:09:43+00:00

The shiurim will be recorded, but they will not be posted to online. We will have a WhatsApp group for the participants in the shiur and the recordings will be posted to the group.

Are SCP shiurim available online?2019-11-24T08:09:43+00:00

No. The mission of SCP is to encourage real-time chaburah style learning – the in-person chaburah creates a strong sense of chevra and comradery. The group studying together as a shiur adds an experience of organic learning that you can’t capture in a video or a recording.  The back and forth between the participants and the Magidei shiur is an important part of the Semichas Chaver experience.

How do I start SCP in my area?2020-01-01T19:24:53+00:00

Perhaps we are already in your area check the locations page to find out.

If you are interested in starting a Semichas Chaver chaburah in your area – contact info@semichaschaver.com

How much does it cost?2019-11-24T08:09:43+00:00

Semichas Chaver is FREE!

Your only obligation is regular attendance and participation. 🙂

We are generously supported by the OU and members of the community.

If you would like to become a Semichas Chaver sponsor, please contact: info@semichaschaver.com

SCP is sponsored by the OU.

I don’t know why balei batim think that the Torah belongs only to rabbis. If you learn a little bit of Shulchan Aruch every week you”ll see after a few months how much knowledge you’ve acquired.

Rav Herschel Schachter, Shlit”a

Learning at SCP elevates you spiritually…it will change the atmosphere in your house.

Rishon Le’zeion, Harav Shlomo Amar, Shlit”a

“I’m so happy to hear about the success of SCP, there’s nothing more sweeter than when a yid enjoys his learning.”

Ha’Gaon Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Shlit”a

From my experience, I can give you one piece of advice: those who learn in a Chabura and with a goal of finishing a certain topic are far more successful than those who are “just learning

Ha’Gaon Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Shlit”a

SCP is growing – we now have chaburot in Israel, the United States and South America!

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